Jan 08, 2017 · What ports are open on my computer is a common question that asked by a lot of peoples. Because some ports are associated with special services and these ports have to be open for your computer to run properly, It is very important to know the ports that are open on your computer, .

Your software may even have some Internet ports blocked. If so, the following are used by the Origin client and must be open for a smooth connection: TCP : 80; 443; 9960-9969; 1024-1124; 3216; 18000; 18120; 18060; 27900; 28910; 29900 If you'd like to have your computer remotely scanned for vulnerable open ports use our Security Scan instead. To see a list of listening ports, open Command Prompt and type: C:\> netstat -ano |find /i "listening" You can change "listening" to "established" to see what ports your computer actually communicates on at the moment. Oct 21, 2019 · Now that we’ve got all the basic knowledge about TCP and UDP ports out of the way, it’s time to get down to the process of finding which ports are open and in use on your computer. The good news is that Windows has a pretty useful command built into it that will show you what ports are currently being used on your computer by various Jan 14, 2017 · To check a remote computer for open/closed TCP ports using PowerShell version 2 (and up), you can use the Net.Sockets.TcpClient class from the .NET libraries. There's an example below. I also wrote a decent, generic script module for this that you can view examples of how to use - and download - below.

Jan 08, 2017 · What ports are open on my computer is a common question that asked by a lot of peoples. Because some ports are associated with special services and these ports have to be open for your computer to run properly, It is very important to know the ports that are open on your computer, .

Jun 15, 2018 · To view which ports are listening (open) on a local host using netstat, from the command prompt type the following: netstat –an ¦find /i “listening” The results will be displayed across four columns – the protocol type, local IP address and associated port number, foreign IP address, and state – as shown in the image below. An open port allows you to connect to the device from the internet if there is a program running on this port that is ready to accept the connection. Our online port scanner is based on the most famous Nmap utility adapted for the web. To check your computer, click the "insert my IP address" button next to the scanner form. Your software may even have some Internet ports blocked. If so, the following are used by the Origin client and must be open for a smooth connection: TCP : 80; 443; 9960-9969; 1024-1124; 3216; 18000; 18120; 18060; 27900; 28910; 29900 If you'd like to have your computer remotely scanned for vulnerable open ports use our Security Scan instead. To see a list of listening ports, open Command Prompt and type: C:\> netstat -ano |find /i "listening" You can change "listening" to "established" to see what ports your computer actually communicates on at the moment.

Common ports, such as TCP port 80 (HTTP), may be locked down — but other ports may get overlooked and be vulnerable to hackers. In your security tests, be sure to check these commonly hacked TCP and UDP ports: TCP port 21 — FTP (File Transfer Protocol) TCP port 22 — SSH (Secure Shell) TCP […]

When referring to a physical device, a hardware port or peripheral port is a hole or connection found on the front or back of a computer. Ports allow computers to access external devices such as printers. Below is a short listing of the different computer ports you may find on a computer.