Why Schools’ Efforts to Block the Internet Are So Laughably Lame drawing an explicit comparison between blocked websites and that righteous cause of freethinkers,

In schools, besides blocking search engine results, filters can be used to block access to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Although these filters are implemented in order to prevent students from goofing off, they prevent students from accessing important resources such as newsworthy Facebook posts and tweets Why Schools Block Sites Schools block sites for many reasons. Some of them include blocking adult sites, which is both noneducational and illegal for children to view, noneducational sites because Students searching for 10 Reasons Why Schools Shouldn't Block Facebook found the following related articles, links, and information useful. Jan 23, 2018 · Why does the school districts block internet websites for “Dumb” reasons? I go to Burbank high school in the S.A.I.S.D. school district and usally our teacher gives us free time to do what we want on the internet like play games or other things i reasently discoved sites that are blocked for weird reasons: 1. Apr 02, 2009 · Most schools have a filter that is programed to scan all web pages. Any words or innapropiate text that others have reported to that program, or even in that site whole domain (like yahoo answers is part of the yahoo.com domain) contains any bad words, the site is blocked. Apr 09, 2007 · "Why do schools block websites?" The most obvious reason would be that you are at a learning institution -- YOU ARE THERE TO LEARN! whether your school is publically or privately funded - money does not just manifest itself. Questions like these are the reason the U.S. is lagging behind other countries in education! Get your priorities straight Apr 16, 2009 · With the advent of the grabbing craze for the different browser based online games, a peculiar trend has been noticed recently. This trend that we are going to throw light upon has been harbingered by a number of schools or academic associations around the world. The fact may sound weird. Still there are valid and viable reasons that back up this act initiated by a considerable number of

Oct 03, 2011 · Why do Schools Block Websites? October 3, 2011, Hari M, Leave a comment. Why do schools block websites? There are several reasons for the schools to block the websites. Some of the schools tend to block the adult sites. These adult sites are illegal to be viewed and they do not impart any education to the children.

The 2000 Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) determined in Federal law that all schools and public libraries must protect minors from viewing obscene or harmful images when using the Internet. Apr 26, 2016 · A separate LGBT category was eliminated in the filtering software that major companies sell to schools, Block said, and websites with resources for LGBT people are no longer sorted out. He notes

In schools, besides blocking search engine results, filters can be used to block access to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Although these filters are implemented in order to prevent students from goofing off, they prevent students from accessing important resources such as newsworthy Facebook posts and tweets

No sites are banned for this boy. Know why? Because I’m an edgy hacker that’s why. (Literally a picture of me. It’s in the yearbook. Not joking.) How do I do it? Aug 10, 2016 · You can use a VPN to unblock websites at work, but be aware this could be a breach of your work agreement. School – These days, almost every school has internet access, but administrators want to monitor/restrict what students (especially younger ones) do online. They may block social networking sites and gaming sites in addition to VPNs