Mar 04, 2013 · If you don't want/need the x86_64 then easiest option is to uninstall it and then install the i686 package. As it is only complaining about man page zipped files if you need both installed then i would install by using rpm --force option.

Linux下安装DB2的包依赖_ITPUB博客 2018-12-4 · 检查的时候,报包依赖错误,解决办法yum install libaio-0.3.109-13.el7.i686yum install install pam-devel.i686yum install pam.i686yum whatprovides package-name1.DBT3514W The db2prereqcheck utility ITPUB博客每天千篇余篇博文 RPM Scientific Linux 7 pam-devel 1.1.8 x86_64 rpm Name : pam-devel Version : 1.1.8 Vendor : Scientific Linux Release : 12.el7_1.1 Date : 2015-08-18 16:07:02 Group : Development/Libraries Source RPM : pam-1.1.8-12.el7 Linux openssh升级8.0_ITPUB博客

把openssh升级到8.1版本_weixin_42668482的博客 …

Linux-PAM. This is the primary distribution site for the Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux) project.. Things to be found here are documentation and source code for Linux-PAM. Step 4: Next install the 32-bit library using the command: install pam-devel.i686 (Note: The is an IBM-provided script to install the package, but external customers will have to run this command: /usr/bin/yum --noplugins install pam-devel.i686). Output is the next 3 screenshots here showing it being installed: Jul 09, 2019 · RPM is a package format used by Red Hat-based derivatives like CentOS, RHEL or Fedora.The name comes from the RPM Package Manager (RPM), a free and open-source package management system for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in Linux.

2017-10-18 · 1、安装需要的包 yum -y install gcc* make perl pam pam-devel zlib-devel tcp_wrappers-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel 2、安装openssl

提供专业Oracle技术支持和培训,联系:13520802497 态度决定一切,成就是因为不断的超越! Linux下升级 OpenSSH-baby神-51CTO博客 2017-10-18 · 1、安装需要的包 yum -y install gcc* make perl pam pam-devel zlib-devel tcp_wrappers-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel 2、安装openssl 任意版本openssh批量升级脚本 – Scanz个人博客 2020-3-29 · 当在需要升级的服务器执行conbi.sh时脚本默认会通过下载指定IP和端口的HTTP服务器中的opennssh_cp.sh以及openssl_cp.sh和安装中使用的源码包以及rpm包,检测pam-devel是否安装未安装则进行安装,检测是否开启telnet服务如果开启安装openssh后则不会 CentOS 6.6升级OpenSSH到最新版本7.5.p1_Linux …